Saturday, February 13, 2010

Inspired by Laskar Pelangi

I came to watch this movie without much expectation but end up seeing the world at a different angle.

This is a story of our lives. We may notice or not, but millions of children were left out there without enough food, shelter, clothes let alone education. Watching this movie and saw how 10 laskar pelangi (title of the film) went through harsh life with tears and joy but without remorse, it really moved me how we always look above us with envy but not noticing (or worse, ignore) all the blessing that many other people may not have.

Two thumbs up for Andrea Hirata for sharing his life and be motivator for us. Thank you for showing and moving me to understand true meaning of education how a live should be, understand life better and thankful for the bless God gives us.

I enjoy to watch how Bu Mas, Ikal, Lintang, Mahar and friends share their happiness despite the cruelty of world.

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